Melbourne Storm to victory and Leeds club call as expected.
Look at that, headline writing like you’d get in the Daily Star. But literary genius aside there was some good rugby played this weekend and I’ll probably watch it all again on the Super League Show in a bit.
Down under Melbourne attoned for last years hammering by taking their third NRL title with a 23-16 win over Paramatta and I can’t really say much. Since the whole Setanta thing I don’t even know what channel the NRL is on over here and since I support the Warriors their poor performance this season has sucked a little of the interest out for me. Also the possible fact that last season I was in New Zealand and this season I’m not, that probably had an effect.
Still from what I’ve read it was a good game with Paramatta staging a late push but it’s rare you’ll find someone to bet against Melbourne in a Grand Final even after last years defeat.
In this hemispehere we had the play off semi finals in which Leeds got to play their pick of Catalan Dragons and Saints faced up to Wigan and well that went pretty much as expected. Leeds probably got a tougher game than they were expecting but they won and Saints had a tough run against Wigan but also won, which unusally gives us a Saints Leeds grand final, again. It would be nice if someone else could contest this at some point but yet again some came close but couldn’t quite make it. As for the actual grand final, hmmm my money would probably go on Leeds for another victory.
- General Rugby League
- Round Up
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